ian leaf

6 Money Tips for Your At-Home Business

Money is essential in every business, whether at home or not. To be successful in your at-home business, you need to be smart with your finances. This means keeping track of your expenses and income and ensuring that your budget is in order.

If you’re looking to start an at-home business, or if you’ve already started one, below are some of the most crucial money tips expert Ian Leaf can share to help you manage your finances like a pro:

1. Make A Budget And Stick To It

Having a plan for your money and sticking to it is crucial. When you have a budget, you know exactly how much money you have to work with each month and what you can afford to spend. This can help you avoid overspending and debt.

It would be best if you stayed disciplined with your spending. When you’re running your own business, letting your expenses get out of control is easy. But if you’re smart about spending your money, you can keep your business afloat while maintaining a healthy personal budget.

2. Keep Track Of Your Expenses

It’s just as important to keep track of your expenses as it is to keep track of your income. This will help you stay on top of where your money is going and identify areas where you can save.

It’s essential to have a good understanding of how much money you’re making and how much money you’re spending. This way, you can identify areas where you may be overspending and make necessary adjustments.

3. Invest In Yourself

Reinvest in yourself by taking courses or attending seminars that help you grow your business. This can be a great way to improve your skills and make more money.

Read books on topics that interest you and take care of your mental and physical health. You can also join positive and inspiring communities that can help your journey as an at-home entrepreneur.

4. Be Mindful Of Taxes

As an at-home business owner, it’s essential to be mindful of taxes. You may need to file quarterly tax returns or set up a separate bank account specifically for business transactions to stay organized and avoid penalties from the IRS.

Make sure you keep track of all your income and expenses and consult a tax professional if you have any questions. You may be able to deduct some of your business expenses from your taxes, so it is vital to keep track of those. Be sure to stay up-to-date on tax laws and regulations to make sure you are taking advantage of all the tax breaks available to you.

5. Have A Rainy Day Fund

It’s always a good idea to have a rainy day fund in case of unexpected expenses or slow months. This will help ensure that you don’t go into debt if things get tough financially.

6. Make Sure To Charge Enough

Another bonus money tip is to ensure you’re charging enough for your products or services. It’s tempting to price your items too low to attract more customers, but this can be counterproductive in the long run.

By pricing your products too cheaply, you may be undercutting yourself and driving potential customers away. Instead, find a price point that allows you to profit while still being competitive in the market.

Managing your finances can be tricky, but following these tips helps make things easier. By staying on top of your money, you’ll be able to run your at-home business more smoothly and efficiently.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of Ian Leaf’s money tips for at-home businesses. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to a successful at-home business!


Six Financial Strategies to Keep Your Small Business Afloat

Running a small business is no easy task. You have to be an expert in many different areas, from accounting to marketing. This blog post will talk about six financial strategies that can help you keep your business afloat. Some of the topics we will discuss are how to finance your business, manage cash flow, and when it might make sense to get a loan or partner with someone else who has more resources than you do.

1. Create a budget for your business to know where your money is going.

It is important to know where your money is going, and Damon Becnel says a budget will help you do that. Create a list of all the expenses for your business each month, then add them up at the end to figure out how much it costs you in total per month. If there are certain areas where you think it might be wise to cut back on spending (such as advertising), this will also show you what those changes would look like so you can get an idea if they make sense or not before making any big decisions.

A good way to keep track of all these finances without being overwhelmed by numbers is with software such as QuickBooks Online from Intuit®. This tool automatically updates inventory levels when products sell and tracks expenses, so you always know exactly where your money is going.

Then, at the end of each month, analyze how much it cost to run your business and what you need to break even (or make a profit). This would give you an idea of what things might look like long-term if changes weren’t made. For example, if it costs $1000 per month just to get by with all expenses included but only brings in $2000 worth of revenue after all other costs, then eventually that isn’t sustainable. Something has got to give, or else the company won’t be able to keep up this pace for very long without running into problems down the line.

2. Build up an emergency fund in case anything goes wrong with the business.

It’s important to protect yourself in case something goes wrong with the business. Putting aside an emergency fund of at least three months’ worth of expenses is a good idea, but six or even nine months can be better when it comes down to it (especially if you aren’t bringing in that much revenue yet).

Not only does this give your company some breathing room in case anything unexpected happens and makes running things difficult for a while, but it also gives you more time to figure out what steps need to happen next, so money isn’t lost. That way, rather than scrambling under pressure because there is too little cash on hand, you will have already put away money beforehand, which could help keep your business afloat during hard times.

Another great way to protect yourself is through business insurance. You never know what could happen, so it’s best not to risk losing your company over something out of the blue that you are responsible for. This also includes health insurance if employees are hired, or someone starts working on a freelance basis for you – as this can be one of the biggest expenses when running things by yourself, which must be taken into account at all times!

A solid plan will help keep your small business afloat during tough financial conditions and ensure everything stays steady even in hard times. Just remember these important tips next time you want to start up an online store or any other kind of new venture!

3. Invest in stocks or bonds that are related to your company’s industry 

Investing in stocks or bonds related to your company’s industry can help bring more income into the business. This isn’t a requirement by any means, but something to think about when deciding where you want your money to go next. You never know what might happen over time, and it’s always better not to take risks – so this way, at least there is one less thing for you to worry about because these funds will be paying out on their own without needing much attention day-to-day while running things!

This type of investment also gives you an idea of how well certain companies are doing outside of yours, which could affect up down the line if they were ever bought out or acquired by another competitor.

4. Start saving early by investing in retirement funds, such as 401(k)s and IRAs 

Saving for retirement early on is important because you never know what might happen, and the last thing you want to be stuck with at a later date is nothing. Not only will this help protect your company overall, but also keep things running, so it’s easier than ever before!

If possible, try investing in these accounts, even if there isn’t much money being put into it right now. This way, when time goes by, you can add more funds without having to worry about putting them aside month after month or setting up automatic payments, which would take away from other business expenses instead (and could potentially put things outside your control).

5. Pay off debt by paying more than the minimum payment on credit cards and loans 

Paying off debt is important to keep your small business afloat, especially if you are paying interest on any of the bills being taken care of. This isn’t a requirement every month either – just something that should be considered when looking at where money could go next, so there aren’t unnecessary payments taking away from other things happening behind the scenes!

Not only will this help improve your credit score overall because it shows lenders that you can budget properly and pay debts back in full by their due date. It also helps protect your company’s wallet, which makes everything run more smoothly than ever before!

6. Negotiate prices when you can’t afford something new

Can’t afford something new right now? Try negotiating prices with the people selling it to you instead. This can help save money in many ways by simply speaking up and asking for a better deal, so everything stays afloat during tough times!

Not only does this show confidence when speaking with someone, but it also helps prevent spending too much on one item, which means more cash left over for other things that may be needed down the line. This includes unexpected repairs or renovations if your store happens to need them later on etc.

These are just some of the strategies that can help you keep your small business afloat. Remember, don’t be afraid to try something new and always learn from mistakes. We hope these tips were helpful for you!


Gladiator Lending on What Lenders Look for When Setting Terms

Many individuals and businesses are able to survive based on the presence of bank and lender loans. Lender loans provide money to help businesses make payroll, expand their operations, or hire more staff. Loans also help individuals make additions to their house or pay basic expenses. When looking for a loan, individuals want to find the best terms possible. They have to present their best case in order to earn terms that will actually work for their business or individual financial needs. 


Lenders are looking for individuals who have a plan to make the money required to pay back their loan. This feasibility is the most important factor when determining a loan decision and the terms behind that decision. Loan officers make their money by lending out certain amounts of money and having borrowers pay that money back with interest. The terms and interest rates offered are related to the chances that an individual will pay their money back and the related chances that they will default on their loan.

As a result, lenders like Gladiator Lending often ask a series of financial questions related to individuals’ income and job status. Individuals must have a clear plan in place to pay off either the personal or business loan. They should detail their expenses and income. Any potential bonuses or raises should be mentioned to a loan officer. A borrower has to be prepared for a lender who may have questions or concerns about a person’s job and payment status. A bank will not make a loan to an individual if they are convinced that the individual will not have the money to pay that loan off. 

In order to show feasibility, an individual must construct a narrative where they are a competent individual who will most certainly be able to make all of their loan payments on time. They should research any potential pitfalls or holes in their argument. An individual working for a business should be prepared for any criticism towards their business field that they may receive. Individuals should have backup plans for if they lose their jobs. A few hours of research and preparation can mean thousands of dollars saved or lost in interest payments over a period of years. 


Experience is helpful for determining loan terms and for acquiring the best loan possible. Gladiator Lending and other large and small lenders certainly want to find individuals who are experienced at paying off their bills. A high income relative to a loan may not matter if a person has shown in recent years that they were delinquent or generally unable to meet their previous debt obligations. The most familiar way for an individual to show their experience with managing payments and lending is through their credit score. Credit scores are compilations of how an individual treats and uses their credit. It is a record of the debts and debt payments that individuals have taken over an extended period of time. 


The personal meeting with a loan officer can be enormously effective at helping to set favorable terms. Smaller lenders like Gladiator Lending often want to make some sort of a connection, either virtually or in person, with the individuals they are lending to. Many individuals receive a set list of advice when looking to set terms and ask for a loan. They are told to sit up straight, dress well, and always be respectful. This process may seem redundant or unnecessary to most individuals who are confident in their plan to pay back their loan. It is not part of a credit score and does not appear on any sort of balance sheet.

But these concepts are vital because of the role of trust in the acquiring of a loan from the vast majority of small and large lenders. Trust is critical because of the information that an individual is sharing with their lenders. Lenders cannot always verify all of the information that an individual is telling them. They have to trust beyond the financial information and credit scores that they often require individuals to provide. 

For instance, an individual may be able to explain that a negative entry on their credit report was caused by an illness that was not reported anywhere else. The lending institution has to trust an individual’s word if they decide to mitigate the effects of that negative credit report mark when making a loan. An individual who dresses well, arrives prepared, and takes the process seriously has a much better time receiving trust and the benefit of the doubt than individuals who do not. 

The lender’s own finances

Additional factors outside of a borrower’s control influence loan terms. Loan terms may be influenced by the overall economic health in a particular area. Economic trends can determine how long a loan is extended for and the interest rates an individual may have to pay. The lender also has to consider its financial situation. A lender that has been successful in one particular area may want to continue making loans work in that area.

Lenders who have suffered significant recent foreclosures may not be willing to accept marginal cases or low loan terms. Individuals do not always know about these factors. However, they should certainly read news reports and publicly available information before picking a particular lender and setting an appointment to discuss a loan. News reports may help an individual find out what lenders are facing stressful situations or economic hardships. Such information can help an individual time their meeting as carefully as possible to ensure the best potential loan rates. 


People are understandably concerned about the lending process. They are stressed about their case and worry about how their terms will fit their company’s bottom line. Part of each decision is influenced by forces outside of the borrower’s control. For the rest of the lending process, individuals simply need to be as thorough and careful as possible. They have to make the best case that they can to their lender and articulate their business/payment plan clearly and forcefully.

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Darren Pawski – Darren Pawski

“Darren Pawski is the managing director of Synergy Financial Solutions, a boutique financial services firm that advocates a holistic and highly individualized approach to financial planning.”

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Darren Pawski

“Darren Pawski is a longtime resident of Perth, Western Australia, where he has spent close to 30 years working in the finance industry while holding a number of critical leadership positions with some of the most renowned institutions in all of Australia, including Commonwealth Bank as well as sever”

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John Ross Jesensky on Warren Buffett and the Future of Finance in the United States


When Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway speaks out on any economic issue, even those with just a passing interest in matters of finance tend to listen. So after Buffett laughed off questions regarding the potential economic turmoil facing the United States should a certain presidential candidate take control of the White House, John Ross Jesensky was pleased to see that the “Oracle of Omaha” was largely unconcerned about the potential for disastrous future economic issues.
finance photo
Instead of pointing to the overreaction that tends to occur as a consequence of a demanding 24-hour news cycle, Buffett instead offered a glimpse of one of the traits that has made him so successful, citing the fact that no president or partisan philosophy has yet been able to stall overall growth during the course of his lifetime. Buffett went on to say that the GDP per capita has “gone up six for one” in real terms and should continue to rise unabated with output increasing even more in the future, a point that Jesensky has also made many times over in recent months.
finance Money

On the Value of Committing to an Ongoing Financial Education

maxresdefault (2)Many financial advisors are fond of explaining to clients how, for all intents and purposes, the most essential concepts and advice relating to personal finance are so simple that they can fit on a single, standard-size index card. In terms of the most basic and straightforward advice, there are few who would disagree with this notion and it certainly seems to be intuitively true that a practical approach to financial planning ought to be entirely uncomplicated. As the Groza Learning Center might point out, it is not often made clear by those fond of this particular maxim whether or not any of the information included on the index card will ever have to be replaced or otherwise updated.

The overwhelming majority of educators would be quite likely to agree that education, just like finance, requires an ever-changing approach in order to yield the best possible outcome. While the same basic principles will remain similar as time goes by, adjustments will have to be made and changes implemented based on the development of new and more effective practices and strategies. The same is true in finance, where the principles may remain largely unchanged but will have to be reviewed and adapted on a regular basis in order to generate the best possible outcome.

If, for example, an educator were to keep the same index card in his or her back pocket for the entirety of a teaching career, it is quite likely for that teacher’s students to be adversely affected by the lack of educational adaptation when compared to students of a teacher who has adapted his or her approach over time. Education, regardless of the subject matter, should always be considered an ongoing process.


A Few Simple Strategies for Choosing the Ideal CPA

Choosing an accountant is one of the most critical decisions a business owner of any size can make, yet even the most detail-oriented entrepreneurs do not always take the time to find a specific CPA or accounting firm capable of meeting their unique business needs. In order to identify the most ideal accountant Sun City AZ or any other city has to offer, business owners must recognize the qualities that make an accounting firm capable of providing consistently outstanding services to clients.

Beyond the obvious need for an accountant to be skilled in matters relating to financial management, bookkeeping, tax preparation and the like, the following qualities are among the most important for a business owner to seek out:

• Specific experience in the field in which the business operates
• Long track record of reliability and trustworthiness
• Reputation for establishing a rapport with clients

A business owner that finds a CPA or accounting firm capable of providing these qualities is simply more likely to enjoy the significant financial benefits an accountant is able to provide.

Specific Industry Experience

Accounting is a fairly general term for a field that is made up of many specialists, so it is essential for business owners to look for a CPA who has specific experience in tax preparation, bookkeeping and other accounting services for clients operating under similar circumstances. A CPA is simply more likely to generate exceptional results when they are especially familiar with what goes into their clients’ finances and what specific strategies can be employed to achieve their clients’ short- and long-term business goals.

Reliability and Trustworthiness

There are myriad ways to gauge the reliability and trustworthiness of a CPA, but the most obvious step is to ensure they are properly licensed and registered with their State Accountancy Board. Aside from licensure, business owners can also act on the recommendations of others and pose questions regarding the qualities possessed by a specific accountant along with what the CPA has been able to achieve. Though it should go without saying, it is absolutely critical for an accounting firm to be reliable; a missed deadline can have a devastating impact on a business owner.

Clear Rapport With Clients

Perhaps the most overlooked aspect is the personal relationship between the business owner and the CPA. Since an accounting firm is charged with managing vital financial matters, prospective clients should feel comfortable with their chosen CPA’s approach and feel the utmost level of confidence that their accountant clearly understands and values their company’s specific business goals.


Murziline Parchment’s How to Make the Most Out of the Assistance Provided by a Financial Adviser

There has been a fair amount of discussion regarding the actual value of working with a financial adviser, with some reports actually contending that the benefits of professional assistance are marginal at best and it is therefore not worth the ongoing costs associated with professional financial planning. While there are certainly individuals who possess the expertise to develop a long-term investment plan that is on a par with what a financial adviser would recommend, that does not mean that such a strategy is always best. As with most issues, the truth is far more nuanced and requires a great deal of analysis that factors in the individual circumstances that apply to each situation.

As someone who is known for espousing a nuanced approach that accounts for all the unique issues that apply to an individual situation or circumstance, Murziline Parchment believes that there are certainly many advantages and disadvantages to account for when making a decision on working with a financial adviser. This position further underscores the importance of understanding what those advantages and disadvantages are and how they may influence a final decision. Individuals should therefore take the time to determine whether or not their individual circumstances make working with a financial adviser more likely to have a positive outcome.

Is Professional Advice Really Worthwhile?

There is one thing that is simply indisputable when it comes to utilizing the professional assistance of a financial adviser, which is the fact that a professional is going to be far more aware of the frequently changing issues that can have a significant impact on the potential return of a specific investment strategy. Murziline Parchment has pointed out that evolving regulations both at home and abroad can profoundly influence a particular strategy in ways that are quite difficult to predict, so a lack of awareness of these frequent changes can be quite devastating for those who are uninitiated in the world of finance.

While there is certainly a cost associated with seeking professional investment advice, the benefits of working with a single adviser over a long-term basis can be tremendous. When working with a financial adviser to develop a long-term strategy that accounts for personal goals regarding retirement while considering current earnings, savings and debt obligations, a professional is far more likely to be able to provide insight regarding all of the different options available to reach those goals. Over time, a long-term professional relationship with a financial adviser is likely to ensure that those goals are achieved and that the long-term financial strategy is adhered to through the additional accountability that comes with the assistance of an objective professional.

What Is Necessary to Develop an Investment Strategy Without Professional Assistance?

Professional assistance is beneficial in the overwhelming majority of circumstances, yet there are still those who can forgo outside help and still achieve exceptional results through an investment strategy of their own design. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to posses a deep understanding of national and international marketplaces and how subtle changes in any of those markets can have a ripple effect that influences the efficacy of a specific strategy. It is also necessary that these individuals are willing to consistently study changes made by governments in order to ensure that policy changes do not affect the success of a long-term strategy that has already been implemented.

Ultimately, the decision to work with a financial adviser is one that should always be made on a case-by-case basis. There is certainly a large portion of the population that stands to benefit from such assistance, but there are also plenty of individuals who can eschew this assistance and still devise an excellent investment strategy. Developing a deep understanding of the various influencing factors is therefore essential for anyone who wishes to use an investment strategy in order to establish financial security that extends well into the future.


Risky Personal Investments Can Affect Small Business Success

Small business owners put a great deal of time and money into ensuring their company thrives for many years to come, yet many of these same owners take personal investment risks that can threaten the long-term health of their business. Even though a personal investment is separate from a small business expense, a sizable investment mistake can still have an impact on the quality of the products or services offered by the company. This is especially the case when the owner is heavily involved in day-to-day operations, but it can also have a serious effect on a business with an owner who has delegated most of the management responsibilities.

Sensible investing strategies that minimize risk are the best option for small business owners, and the Ian Leaf Corporation seems to support this course of action as well. When a small business is doing well, the owner may find that they are presented with opportunities to invest in projects that may not necessarily be in their field of expertise. While some of these opportunities may work out exceptionally well for an investor, the risk of financial loss is often too high and can have a significant effect on the viability of the business.

When a small business owner experiences a financial loss due to a poor investment strategy, it is often the case that the owner will try to make up for that loss through profits earned by the business. This can lead to the owner cutting corners that degrade the quality of the products or services the company provides, which in turn affects the level of consumer loyalty the company likely worked hard to cultivate. The owner may be forced to work longer hours or cut staff members, which can lead to burnout and can have a devastating effect on the company’s reputation.

Instead of taking big risks with an investment in the hope of generating a big return, small business owners should recognize that a sensible long-term strategy is best. This will ensure that the owner can continue to reinvest in their business so it continues to grow and remains profitable over many years while still generating a return on investment that is more than enough to last through retirement. It is simply too risky to put the health of a company on the line in exchange for a small chance at generating a big and immediate return on investment.