hiring john ross jesensky small business

John Ross Jesensky Advocates Forward-Thinking Business Hiring Practices – Kion Kashefi

“The strength of a business idea or concept is often inconsequential without the right people in place to implement the company’s specific vision for that idea, further underscoring the importance of focusing on hiring those who are most qualified to handle the responsibilities they are given.”

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composer inspirery john ross jesensky music

John Ross Jesensky – Musician

“A prolific composer and musician, John Ross Jesensky has earned the admiration of peers and audiences alike with his innovative and masterful approach to the art form that is film scoring.”

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john ross jesensky long island reef tanks

John Ross Jesensky: Long Islanders Understand How to Diversify Saltwater Reef Tanks

“Long Islanders are always considered among the most passionate saltwater reef aquarium enthusiasts around, a fact that is perhaps the result of being surrounded by bodies of water like the Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, not to mention the many rivers and bays that contribute to the area”

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john ross jesensky lake tahoe music

John Ross Jesensky Praises Lake Tahoe Music Community – Homewood Marina, Lake Tahoe

“As a dedicated musician, John Ross Jesensky understands just how powerful a community of musicians can be when they band together and unite under a common and important cause.”

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blogging ian mckellen john ross jesensky music

John Ross Jesensky Sees Opportunity for Music Bloggers in Ian McKellen’s New App

“Sir Ian McKellen is widely regarded as one of the greatest Shakespearean performers currently working on both the stage and screen, and it is certainly the case that he has been a source of inspiration for countless individuals with acting aspirations.”

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John Ross Jesensky on Warren Buffett and the Future of Finance in the United States


When Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway speaks out on any economic issue, even those with just a passing interest in matters of finance tend to listen. So after Buffett laughed off questions regarding the potential economic turmoil facing the United States should a certain presidential candidate take control of the White House, John Ross Jesensky was pleased to see that the “Oracle of Omaha” was largely unconcerned about the potential for disastrous future economic issues.
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Instead of pointing to the overreaction that tends to occur as a consequence of a demanding 24-hour news cycle, Buffett instead offered a glimpse of one of the traits that has made him so successful, citing the fact that no president or partisan philosophy has yet been able to stall overall growth during the course of his lifetime. Buffett went on to say that the GDP per capita has “gone up six for one” in real terms and should continue to rise unabated with output increasing even more in the future, a point that Jesensky has also made many times over in recent months.