dollars finance Money

Got Money?

Sure, money isn’t everything if you have plenty but for most people money is always in short supply.   Reefs2Go on is a place to explore your lack of needed funds.  Lets face it, lack of money is the root of most problems. If thieves had money they would have no need to break the law.  So I ask the question, Got Money?  If not I would take a look finding a job.  Working can increase your bank account funds and self esteem.  If you have a job but still struggle to make ends meet… join the club.  Its never enough.  The more you make the more it takes.

dollars finance Money

Bank Money Safe?

untitled (360) imagesQYKPYGHUIs the money you put in the bank safe? You keep hearing bad news about the economy and all the debt that we have that gold or silver is the way to go. There are other countries that are going bankrupt and that their currency is no good anymore. Is that the way we are headed? They say that it will be like the great depression but it will be bad because we have sold out to other countries to are for countries that do not want us or care but what the USA money so what is the answer? Bank money safe. no all they have to do is close the door and where are we again. They say that after the great depression, it would never happen again but who is it that say that the banks and why is there so many that come and go or get bought out from other larger banks. Consolidated Credit can help.

dollars finance Money

Easy Go

OK, we all can agree that it is easy to lose money.  If losing is easy then why is gaining so difficult?  Finance can be difficult.  Firoz Patel is an investing genius.  If I could only be so lucky.  Or is luck really what I need?  I say no.  What you really need is money and the skill to invest properly.  That is easy said and your money could be gone in a flash.  So do you settle for no risk investments and hope for the best or assume the risk?  I cant tell you.  Only you can decide how much risk you can feel comfortable with. For Firoz Patel, any risk is worth taking if the reward is great enough.


If You Are Chasing Money, You’re Doing it Wrong

As we learned from a very recent article today, the best way to make money is to help others. When you have a pure passion that isn’t corrupted by the goal of making money, that is when it flows in abundance.

Jeff Halevy and his business is a perfect example of this. Jeff isn’t after the dollar bill, but because of what he and his business stands for, clients are after him and the dollar follows. He has an incredible amount of knowledge about health and fitness making him the “health guru”, but no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care as he has demonstrated to each of his clients.

If you want to make money in your business, stop chasing the dollar and trying so hard. Develop a genuine interest in other people. Business is all about relationships.