dollars finance Money

Joe Olujic Getting Rid Of Physical Money

There’s been a lot of talk over the last few years as far back as 2012 and possible further, about physical money sort of just, “going out of style,” and what will replace it. The way things are shaping up, it seems debit cards and credit cards may possibly be the new currency we all use. Since credit is already a global thing, the thought, or the idea, is to do away with physical money all together and just use what the rest of the world is using already. In other words, credit will be our one world currency.

The truth of the matter is, cold hard cash is falling out of style and out of pockets of shoppers which is making it less favorable. The Payments Council has data that suggests more of us pay with our debit cards anyway as well as with credit cards or even automated payments in these times.

Is this a big deal? There are some bright sides with getting rid of hard and physical money such as less crime and lower costs for retailers, but remember that with new convenience also means new problems.

No physical cash would mean people are even more at the mercy of central banks trying to control the economy. The fight for physical money must take place or else Interest rates could go negative leaving your savings shrinking as we have seen in Sweden’s case.