dollars finance Money

Financial Life

untitled (146) imagesKKKN8I8QIf you are having money problems how can you learn to finance your life?  It seems that everyone around you has their financial life headed in the right direction but your finances are a mess.  I guess the first step is to admit you have a problem and the next is to be ready to accept help.  You can lead the horse to water…  Well, some people cant seem to take advise much less implement it in their lives.  Until you get a grasp on the real problem you will never get your financial life in order.  Dana Sibilsky has a method and plan but cant seem to execute them.

dollars finance Money

Money Home Help

Need money from your home.  Is a reverse mortgage something that will work for you?  It depends on you situation in life.  If you own your home and have little else to live on a reverse mortgage may be for you.  Basically you will receive a check from the lender monthlyuntitled (78) untitled (77) that will help you live.  The home is yours for as long as you live.  Upon your death the home goes to the lender or at least that portion that has been paid for.  Tim DeCapua has a reverse mortgage and can speak to the pros and cons. He thinks that this is the way to go for him but each person needs to do their home work.


The Best Way To Make Money

Some of the best way to make money is to help someone else make money. The best money can be made and the highest success can be achieved when you are serving someone else. Another way to look at it is you can help accomplish your dreams when you serve someone else to accomplish theirs.

According to Doug Pitassi during his most recent interview, that’s pretty much what is going on here. Doug’s company supplies companies with products that are designed to improve office workflow and productivity for any and all companies regardless of how big or small the company is.  

In a nutshell, Pitassi’s company makes sure his clients, which are other companies, are well taken care off and have what they need to succeed in this fast-pace business world. Pretty cool, eh? They supply companies with not only products to keep their work environment running smoothly, but also information, advice and solid solutions to all office issues.