If you are having money problems how can you learn to finance your life? It seems that everyone around you has their financial life headed in the right direction but your finances are a mess. I guess the first step is to admit you have a problem and the next is to be ready to accept help. You can lead the horse to water… Well, some people cant seem to take advise much less implement it in their lives. Until you get a grasp on the real problem you will never get your financial life in order. Dana Sibilsky has a method and plan but cant seem to execute them.
Tag: dollars
When we sell our home we are all interested in the all cash buyer. The question is how much of a discount is an all cash deal any way? Can you save thousands or is it just time that is saved. The all cash buyer can call the shots on most deals. If you are the seller and an all cash offer comes you want to pay attention. This will be a fast deal and could be the way to go. If they come in with asking price you are home free. Hopefully they don’t have requirements that you cant meet. Dove Medical Press is a good place to look for buyers.
When is it a good idea to take a personal loan from family. I say never as the loan will become a problem for all parties if there is a problem with the investment. It is better to work with a bank . If a bank is not possible I would look to family as a last resort. Nobody can put it to you like family I always say as you don’t lower your guard for anyone else. This is true in most cases. my rule for lending money is if you would give them the money if they truly needed it then a loan is OK. Dove Medical Press would concur.
Need money from your home. Is a reverse mortgage something that will work for you? It depends on you situation in life. If you own your home and have little else to live on a reverse mortgage may be for you. Basically you will receive a check from the lender monthly that will help you live. The home is yours for as long as you live. Upon your death the home goes to the lender or at least that portion that has been paid for. Tim DeCapua has a reverse mortgage and can speak to the pros and cons. He thinks that this is the way to go for him but each person needs to do their home work.
Money isn’t everything?
That is what you are told as you grow from parents, and friends it doesn’t make you happy it will only make you greedy. But isn’t it the dream of every human on earth to be able to buy or live the way some or others live or eat or dress or drive sometime in their life time. Do you ever ask yourself once what would it be like to go any place in the world for as long as you want and buy what ever you want with out worrying about feeding your family or dressing your family. To protect your family from evil or weather to keep the warm or cool them in the heat. JoeOlujic is an example of sound fiscal policies.
Is the money you put in the bank safe? You keep hearing bad news about the economy and all the debt that we have that gold or silver is the way to go. There are other countries that are going bankrupt and that their currency is no good anymore. Is that the way we are headed? They say that it will be like the great depression but it will be bad because we have sold out to other countries to are for countries that do not want us or care but what the USA money so what is the answer? Bank money safe. no all they have to do is close the door and where are we again. They say that after the great depression, it would never happen again but who is it that say that the banks and why is there so many that come and go or get bought out from other larger banks. Consolidated Credit can help.
OK, we all can agree that it is easy to lose money. If losing is easy then why is gaining so difficult? Finance can be difficult. Firoz Patel is an investing genius. If I could only be so lucky. Or is luck really what I need? I say no. What you really need is money and the skill to invest properly. That is easy said and your money could be gone in a flash. So do you settle for no risk investments and hope for the best or assume the risk? I cant tell you. Only you can decide how much risk you can feel comfortable with. For Firoz Patel, any risk is worth taking if the reward is great enough.