
Why Sustainability Is Key, Even In The Medical Profession

Why Sustainability Is Key, Even In The Medical Profession

Dr. Usha Rajagopal of the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center has spent much of her career looking to build on her commitment to sustainability she believes to be important in all aspects of life. Having been one of the most respected surgeons in the Bay Area for more than two decades, Dr. Rajagopal has made it a part of her everyday work to try and switch her practice to a sustainable way of working. As the climate of the world is changed by the actions of humans, moving to a sustainable future is imperative in all industries.

Sustainability is important in all industrial sectors 

Around the world, the drive to create a sustainable future is growing in a range of industries as the impact humans have on the world is becoming ever more important. According to UCLA, the definition of sustainability is a complex one but can be broken down into its simplest form as the need to meet the demands of the present without impacting the ability of future generations to live their lives successfully.

Sustainability begins with an environmentally-responsible building design 

One of the areas Dr. Usha Rajagopal has been most vocal about is the effective design of the healthcare environment which can be the first step in building a responsible medical environment. Healthcare environments such as clinics and hospitals are in constant need of maintenance and rebuilding to provide the opportunity to develop a sustainable future for the medical sector. The recycling of materials and water should all be built into the medical environment along with a move towards the use of green energy. Healthcare Design Magazine reports the switch from traditional fuels to green energy with a focus on recycling can have a positive impact on the profit margins of any medical company.

Sustainability can create major savings 

The need to save funds through the development of a sustainable environment is being explored by people at all levels of the healthcare industry. MedSpeed reports a recent survey showed more than 80 percent of the medical locations in the U.S. planned on expanding their sustainability programs in the next two years. Moving towards a sustainable future not only brings a brighter future for the planet and future generations but also allows savings of up to $15 billion to be made over the course of the next decade.

Doing good through sustainability 

Throughout her career, Dr. Usha Rajagopal has played an important role in the development of programs bringing the best in medical attention to those who may not be able to afford regular medical care. The savings being made by healthcare organizations should allow these savings to trickle down to patients who should be given greater access to treatment at a lower cost because of recycling and sustainability programs.

By bringing awareness to the issue of sustainability in the medical industry, Dr. Rajagopal and her fellow professionals are bringing new options to their patients. Not only does the awareness of recycling and the use of green energy become a major factor in the development of these programs but patients also become stakeholders in the projects undertaken by healthcare organizations. By developing sustainability programs, the interaction of patients with healthcare providers is also increased with a community of like-minded people looking to lower costs and provide a better experience for patients on a regular basis.


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